Important information about your drinking water

Testing shows levels of combined radium 226 and 228 are above drinking water standards.
Radium 226 and 228 occur naturally within the groundwater. Some people who drink water containing radium above the MCL over many years may have an increased risk of getting cancer. 

The City of Savage, in coordination with the Minnesota Department of Health, routinely monitors our public water system for drinking water contaminants. Recent testing results from 10/4/23 show that the average level of combined radium 226 and 228 was above the maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 5.4 pCi/L.

The City of Savage has a unique blended water system with three sources. The following are the latest test results for the different sources:

  • Burnsville Interconnect = 4.33 pCi/L (lower than MCL)
  • Water Treatment Plant 2 = 3.36 pCi/L (lower than MCL)
  • Water Treatment Plant 3 = 6.8 pCi/L (higher than MCL)

In general, between October and March, we meet our entire water demand using water purchased from Burnsville. This water comes to us finished, meaning it has been treated and tested to ensure it meets drinking water standards. When water demand peaks, April – September, the City must supplement the water purchased from Burnsville with water produced at Water Treatment Plant 2 and/or Water Treatment Plant 3, depending on water demand. The last time water from WTP 3 was used was in November 2023.

Our Commitment

The City takes this matter seriously and is working diligently to mitigate this issue. We are committed to providing safe, plentiful drinking water. We will not reintroduce water produced at WTP 3 back into our drinking water system until it meets or exceeds all drinking water standards.

What you need to know

This is not an emergency. You do not need an alternative water source, such as bottled water, nor do you need to boil water before use. However, if you have specific health concerns, consult your doctor.

How the City ensures our drinking water is safe

The City takes great pride in and is deeply committed to providing our residents with the highest quality drinking water. City Utility staff has determined high levels of radium are not a systemwide issue and are isolated to Water Treatment Plant 3. To further mitigate this situation, the City has taken the following steps:  

  1. The City is working with a consultant for technical assistance and guidance in operational modifications to lower radium levels at WTP 3.
  2. WTP 3 has been taken offline, and further evaluation will be completed. Residents will not see any changes in water service due to this change. Water produced at WTP 3 will not be added to our drinking water system until it meets or exceeds all drinking water standards.
  3. City Utility staff will continue to perform independent and quarterly state testing for radium throughout the public water system.
  4. The City will continue to inform residents of the combined radium levels on a quarterly basis.
Home water treatment information

Certain home water treatment units help to reduce radium 226 and radium 228, which include water softening, reverse osmosis, and distillation. It is recommended that residents consult with the system manufacturer or installation company regarding the effectiveness of the treatment units in filtering radium. Carbon filters are not recommended to remove radium, as radium may accumulate in the filter over time.

Learn more
FAQs are available below or contact City Engineer/Utilities Director Seng Thongvanh at 952-224-3419 or


Please share this information with all other people who drink this water, especially those who may not have received this notice directly (i.e., people in apartments, nursing homes, schools, and businesses). You can do this by posting this notice in a public place or distributing copies by hand or mail.


  • Can you put this radium exposure in context of other exposures?
  • What are communities’ options for treatment?
  • What are other sources of radiation exposure?
  • What are radium standards?
  • What are the health effects of radium exposure?
  • What are the risks of drinking water with radium near the MCL?
  • What is radium?
  • What is the rounding for radium results?
  • What steps can I take to reduce my exposure?
More FAQs